Manna House Counselling Service

Level 2 Award in Christian Counselling TM2A/A
Introduction Courses
Our 'Introduction to Christian Counselling' 36 hour
level 2 course, accredited by the Counselling and
Psychotherapy Central Awarding Body (CPCAB), is
designed to be of wide interest to anyone interested
in pastoral care and counselling.
Open to all it will primarily help you to determine your interest in and/or suitability as a pastoral carer and/or a trained counsellor. The introductory award is particularly geared to help those who are involved in various aspects of caring in the community or in church life. It will increase your understanding of how people function and improve your interpersonal skills.
Not only is it helpful for those who wish to explore the whole area of counselling, but also is ideal training for house group leaders, pastoral care teams, youth leaders, community support workers, lay workers, etc.
There are various options for study as follows:
6 consecutive days during August (Monday to Saturday inclusive) 10-5 pm (1 hr lunch
6 alternate Saturdays 10 - 5 pm (1 hour lunch)
12 consecutive 3 hour sessions (Online)
Within the course there is a balance of theory and skills which should give you sufficient grounding to start out in pastoral care and counselling and move towards gaining accreditation with the ACC, BACP or similar governing body. The structure of the course covers subjects such as :- Biblical Basis & Theory, Counselling Skills, Relationships, Difference and Diversity, Specific Applications and Principles, Ethics & Procedures.
There is also an amount of required reading and regular written assignments to be completed.
The cost is £395 per person. This price includes all notes plus CPCAB registration fee - so there are no hidden extras, except that students do have to provide their own lunch on all day courses!
Students may wish to take out a years student membership with the Association of Christians in Counselling and Linked Professions (ACC) currently £22 per year, but this is optional. This course can be arranged anywhere in the U.K. with a minimum number of 12+ students. Outside Northampton the hosts would be expected to provide a suitably equipped venue to hold the course.
This is a tailor-made bespoke course certified by the
Counselling and Psychotherapy Central Awarding Body
(CPCAB) as a Level 2 Award in Introduction to Christian
Counselling (TM2A/A) and students completing it will
obtain 6 educational credits in the Further Education
Following successful completion of this course, students will be eligible to apply for further training with Manna House at Level 3, please note entry requirements for other Training Providers may vary.
If you would like to register your interest, please contact our Training Administrator and leave your details, either by email to: or phone 01604 633304